Bats that are altered from the manufacturer’s original design and production, or that do meet the rule specifications, are illegal. No artificial or intentional means shall be used to control the temperature of the bat. No foreign substance may be inserted into the bat. Bats that are broken, cracked, or dented or that deface a ball, i.e., tear the ball, shall be removed from the game without penalty. A bat that continually discolors the ball may be removed from the game with no penalty at the discretion of the umpire.
If the infraction of using illegal bat (appeal by the opposing team coach) is discovered before the next pitch, following the turn at bat of the player who used the illegal bat, the defense may take the penalty (batter is out and any runners on base return to the base they started from) or the result of the play.
KINO RULE: Successive illegal bat use infractions in a game will result in the player using the illegal bat being restricted to the bench, and the coach ejected from the game.